GIG Visual pg masterIt’s finally that time of year again:  VBS!  Each summer our church has the great opportunity to share the Gospel with kids of all ages.  Many of us have very good memories of VBS from our childhood years.  I was blessed to have Miss Debbie as the VBS director at the church I grew up in.  Miss Debbie had a heart for children and loved seeing them grow in their knowledge and understanding of God and His Word.  When summer started, I knew it would only be a matter of time before we would start VBS.  Back then, we would all meet outside the church and march in together, with some of us being chosen each night to carry the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible at the head of the procession.  We’d always have our memory verse we would recite, some songs we would sing, and snack time was always eagerly anticipated.  Today, I understand the amount of time and work that Miss Debbie put into organizing a successful VBS each year.  Miss Debbie is now resting in the joy of her Master, and there are many, many people who will also enter into Heaven because of all she did with VBS.

Many of you are volunteering with our VBS.  Thank you so much for what you are doing to advance the Kingdom of God!  Each of you has the opportunity to be a “Miss Debbie” in the life of a young person.  You’ll be a cherished memory throughout their lives because of the investment you’re making now.  Several of you, though, are not able to volunteer, but I know that you are committed to praying for those who are volunteering and for the children who will be attending.  Thank you so much for being prayer warriors!  We know the battle we are engaged in is spiritual, and without the cover of prayer you are providing, I do not believe we would be as effectual as we could be.  Wednesday night at prayer meeting, we split up into small groups and prayed over the various areas of the church.  We prayed for the events that would be happening in the different areas of the church; we prayed for the volunteers who will be working with the children; and most importantly, we prayed for the children, that they would respond to the Gospel call that will be presented clearly and boldly to them throughout the coming week.  I encourage you to pray for these things as well all week long.

A few years ago at a VBS we held here at Faith, a young man answered that Gospel call and came to accept Christ as His Lord and Savior.  We rejoiced with him, his family, and all of Heaven over this lost sheep who was found.  Before the summer was over, however, this young man drowned.  While we do not like to think about it, none of us – young or old – are guaranteed any time here on Earth, and we simply do not know when the next breath we take will be the last.  We are but one step from eternity, and there are many who take that step not knowing Jesus Christ.  Let us endeavor to make Christ known in Battle Creek, in Michigan, in the United States, and throughout the world.  It can begin with the little ones God entrusts to us during VBS.  Just something to think about…

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