Inspirational (Page 3)

Inspirational (Page 3)


This past week I ran across some research findings that can be put in the “I Could Have Told You That” file.  Researchers at both the University of Chicago and Northwestern University (both prestigious research institutions) released their studies that showed that people are happier when they give than when they receive.  The researchers conducted two different…

Convenient Forgetfulness

Many of you know about our Connections Groups, which is the small group ministry here at Faith.  Each week, brothers and sisters meet together in homes to fellowship, share their joys and burdens, and study together in a deeper and more personal way.  (If you aren’t involved in one of these groups, why not?  Ask anyone who is involved and they’ll tell you just how…

The Mission Field at Home

Last week, we hosted a missions team from Parkland Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, who came to our area to engage in Kingdom work throughout our association.  Around 70 people made the trip, most of whom were middle school and high school youth.  They began working almost immediately:  after unloading the truck that contained all of their luggage, supplies, and…

Suicide and Hope

A sad aspect of our culture today is its incredibly short attention span.  Matters of great importance often remain in the national conversation only long enough for the current news cycle, to be replaced by the next crisis du jour.  We see and hear expressions of lament concerning the situation, but then we move on and allow the issue to fade away from the collective…


We live in an age of cynicism.  Perhaps you’ve noticed this yourself.  No matter how good, nice, or well-intentioned the action, statement, or event, the default position of many today is skepticism, sarcasm, and slams.  Having such an attitude is seen as being astute and intelligent.  The critic who is harshly critical of everything is elevated to a position of…