Did you know that you can now give to Faith Baptist Church through online giving?
Through the online giving website, you can give a one-time gift, set up a recurring donation, or manage your profile to add new payment methods or see your donor statement. You don’t need to download a new app or create an account; simply fill out the fields, and your information is safe in the secure database.
What are the Benefits of Giving Online?
- No need to write checks.
- Option to remain anonymous.
- Financial planning allows you to align your paychecks with your giving schedule.
- Allows you to give even when you are out of town.
- Tithe and offering amounts easy to adjust.
- No need to share confidential credit card and bank account information with church staff; enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site.
- Allows Faith Baptist Church to have more accurate budget forecasting.
You will also have the ability to designate which fund you would like to donate by selecting the fund when processing your online donation.
Need more information?
View the video below for more information and/or contact us here at the church and we will be happy to assist you or get your questions answered.
In order to give a one-time donation or set up recurring donations go to give.faithbaptistbattlecreek.org