Church Blog (Page 5)

Church Blog (Page 5)

A New “Normal”?

Back in the early 1960s, the philosopher Hannah Arendt covered the trial of Adolf Eichmann, the notorious Nazi who oversaw the logistics of transporting millions of Jews and other peoples whom the Nazis considered “undesirable” to concentration camps and their deaths.  As Arendt spent time observing and studying the case, she was struck by the fact that Eichmann was…

Cynicism and Benny Hinn

Sometimes, you encounter an event that causes you to scratch your head and struggle to reconcile two things that you didn’t think could exist simultaneously.  This happened to me recently (as I’m sure it happened to many others) when I heard that Benny Hinn had publicly made some statements that seemed to indicate he was turning away from the prosperity gospel he had…

What Excites You?

As much as Fall may mean crisp evenings, the changing (and falling) leaves, and pumpkin spice for some people, for me it means the return of college football and my beloved Bulldogs teeing it up between the hedges at Sanford Stadium on the campus of the University of Georgia.  I love the sport of football in general, but I especially love the intricacies of college…

The Billy Graham Rule – Today

Much has been made about the so-called “Billy Graham Rule” in recent years, due to the acknowledgement of many public figures (such as Vice-President Mike Pence) who adhere to it.  When Billy Graham was beginning his ministry, he and his team understood that all of their Kingdom efforts could be undermined and discredited by a single accusation of sexual impropriety. …

#SBC Thoughts – Part 3

This week’s thought is from Marie Babcock, who served as a messenger to the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention this year.  I am thankful for her – as well as the other messengers’ – prayerful and thoughtful participation this year.  I thought it would be a good thing for you to hear the perspectives of some of those who attended and not just my own. …

#SBC Thoughts – Part 2

This week’s thought is from Lisa King, who served as a messenger to the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention this year.  I am thankful for her – as well as the other messengers’ – prayerful and thoughtful participation this year.  I thought it would be a good thing for you to hear the perspectives of some of those who attended and not just my…

#SBC19 Thoughts – Part 1

This year, the SBC’s annual meeting was held in Birmingham, Alabama with nearly 8,200 messengers representing the more than 47,000 SBC churches throughout the United States.  Every year, these messengers gather together to handle the business of this convention of churches, hear reports from our various entities, ask questions, become informed and educated, and meet…


This year marks the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landing by Allied forces into Nazi-occupied Europe, a significant turning point in World War II.  The full story of all the events that led up to D-Day, as well as its completion, is much too long to tell in such a short space here, but it is a story that we should all know, study, remember, and pass on to the…