Sermon Archive (Page 33) Revelation: Who Is the Author? September 2, 2020 Roy Henry Revelation: A Letter of Hope to Those Who Conquer Revelation The Life-Giving God August 30, 2020 Roy Henry Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians A Prayer for the Church August 23, 2020 Roy Henry Prayer Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians The Spirit’s Assurance: Celebrating Salvation August 16, 2020 Roy Henry Holy Spirit, Salvation Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians The Love That God Hates August 9, 2020 Jeremy Schram Love, world 1 John Christ as Our Great High Priest August 2, 2020 Jason Woodard Hebrews The Son’s Mission: Celebrating Redemption July 26, 2020 Roy Henry Redemption Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians The Father’s Plan: Celebrating Election July 19, 2020 Roy Henry Election, Sovereignty Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians Ephesians: The Author, His Audience, and His Aim July 12, 2020 Roy Henry Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians Cooperation among Churches July 5, 2020 Roy Henry Church, Gospel You Asked For It! Romans
Revelation: Who Is the Author? September 2, 2020 Roy Henry Revelation: A Letter of Hope to Those Who Conquer Revelation
The Spirit’s Assurance: Celebrating Salvation August 16, 2020 Roy Henry Holy Spirit, Salvation Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians
The Son’s Mission: Celebrating Redemption July 26, 2020 Roy Henry Redemption Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians
The Father’s Plan: Celebrating Election July 19, 2020 Roy Henry Election, Sovereignty Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians
Ephesians: The Author, His Audience, and His Aim July 12, 2020 Roy Henry Ephesians: Theology... Applied Ephesians