Work for the Lord

Work for the Lord

Does the work that you do, outside of church ministry, matter to God? Have you ever wondered if your job, your efforts at maintaining a home, or your schoolwork really matter to God? Or is it all a means to an end? A means to earn a living and support your family. A means to earn money to give to the church and missionaries? 

I think that too many Christ followers have fallen into a pattern of thinking that matches the world’s views on work and not Biblical views on work. I know I did for many years. We too often think of work as a necessary evil. 

God designed us to work from the beginning (Genesis 1:28). Work is not a part of the curse. The curse impacted work in a negative way, just like it did all aspects of the world. 

The work we do, has inherent value, barring any specifically sinful work of course. But when we go into the workplace or work to maintain a home or work in our studies as students, God is using those things to sanctify us and to serve others. As Believers, growing in sanctification and loving those around us are two things we will have a great desire to do when we are in right standing with the Lord. And our work gives us the opportunity to do both each day.

Think about whatever it is you do for work. Can you see how God has used it and is using it to sanctify you? Sometimes that means difficulty and stress which can help mold and shape us into His image when we respond in humility and faith. I know that at specific times throughout my career God allowed tremendous pressures from work to help drive me into a deeper relationship with him. Or think about the people you serve in your work. Maybe it is your family if you care for your home. For those of us who work in business, it is our customers, coworkers, and even suppliers. How we interact and treat them daily can and should be a demonstration of the Love God has shown to us. What an amazing opportunity to stand out from the world, when we show grace and speak the truth in love to those we work with. 

There will be times in your work when you will have the opportunity to share the Gospel or disciple a coworker. And those are gloriously wonderful opportunities. But the vast majority of our time at work is doing the actual work and not discipling or evangelizing. And if we are not obeying the command to “work as though we are working for the Lord and not for man” (Colossians 3:23), when those opportunities to share the Gospel do come, we will have little to no credibility with our coworkers. As Believers and followers of Christ, our work should stand out with excellence, and we should be known as the most reliable and diligent of all employees.  

The Gallup organization regularly reports that only about 1/3 of all employees are what they call “engaged”, which they define as “involved in and enthusiastic about their work and workplace”. If we truly believe we are working for the Lord and not for man, we will never be disengaged in our work. I pray that you see the importance of being engaged in your work. I pray that we will all see it as an expectation we have from the Lord as His followers and subjects who have been sent into all the world inside of workplaces, homes, and schools to bring His beauty and goodness to those who are in desperate need of it.

Elder Jason Woodard


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