In this passage, Zacchaeus, a despised tax collector, is determined to meet Jesus. His tenacity leads him to climb a tree just to get a glimpse of Him. Jesus, recognizing Zacchaeus’ desire, stops and calls him by name, requesting to visit him. This surprising act of grace results in Zacchaeus joyfully receiving Jesus and expressing sincere repentance. This passage emphasizes Jesus Christ’s mission to seek and save the lost.
From the sermon series “The Gospel of Luke: That You May Know the Truth about Jesus.”
A Seeking Sinner
- Zacchaeus’s social status
- Zacchaeus’s social scorn
- Zacchaeus’s desire
- Zacchaeus’s challenges
- Zacchaeus’s tenaciousness
A Seeking Savior
- Jesus stopped for Zacchaeus
- Jesus knew Zacchaeus
- Jesus called Zacchaeus
A Surprising Salvation
- A joyful reception
- A sincere repentance
- An amazing redemption