Glorifying God

Glorifying God

Women's Conference2 (WEB)On October 3, 2015, the Women’s Ministry here at Faith Baptist Church will be hosting its first women’s conference, entitled, “Who Am I?  Finding Your Identity in Christ.”  Thanks to the leadership and prayer of four of our own ladies – Jeanne Babcock, Aryn Henry, Sarah Scaia, and Heather Thomas – as well as the assistance of several volunteers from among the church family, an exciting program has been assembled, including breakout sessions where ladies will have a chance to learn different aspects about their identity as daughters of the King of kings.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided, as well as door prizes and gifts.  Leaders from around the state have agreed to come to serve as keynote speakers and breakout session leaders.  Registration for the event was around fifty ladies, which was exactly what our ladies were praying for!

I bring this event up to you this week because it epitomizes why we are so excited about what God is doing here at Faith.  When the leadership of the church met not long ago to discuss where we believe the Lord is leading His church (it’s important to always remember the church belongs to Him and Him alone; we are but stewards of it), the overarching theme was the glory of God.  In all we endeavor to do here, we desire to see God glorified.  I know I speak on behalf of your Elders and Deacons, every one of them, when I say this is their heart desire.  From every aspect of our corporate worship to the most (seemingly) menial task performed in the office, we “work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23).  The Women’s Conference is God-glorifying in that it seeks to proclaim the Gospel and provide Christ-centered teaching to the women who attend in an area where our adversary, Satan, has a heyday:  self-image.  Yet this is not the only ministry area of our church that is seeking to glorify God – I believe we are seeing a revival of this desire in each and every area, and for that we praise Him!  In the coming days, weeks, and months, I know you will be seeing this lived out more and more.

Bringing glory to God is not restricted to what we do when we are together as the Body of Christ, however.  In our daily lives, we are provided with many opportunities to boldly proclaim the matchless grace of Jesus Christ.  In our homes, our words and our actions toward our spouses and children can bring glory to God.  In our workplaces, our words and actions toward our coworkers, bosses, and subordinates can bring glory to God.  In our daily interactions in the world, our words and actions to those whom cross our paths can bring glory to God.  How?  By speaking truth in love to one another; by putting others’ needs and rights above our own; by responding in kindness and tenderheartedness to those who treat you with hatred and disrespect; and by loving and forgiving others just as you are loved and forgiven by Christ.  Whether as Faith Baptist Church or as the individual believers that compose it, may all of our actions bring glory, honor, and praise to the only One who is worthy to receive them!  Just something to think about…

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