Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

looking-forward-seeing-back-insideThe end of December provides us an opportunity to stop and remember the year we are just completing.  Each past year contains numerous things for which we can be thankful, including those difficult passages we all endure.  In both good and difficult times, we can see the Lord’s Providence at every turn, guiding the circumstances in ways we can usually only recognize in retrospect.  Whether individually or as a family, the end of the year and the beginning of the new year is a chance to give thanks to God for His provision and grace.

The same is true for churches.  As we look back over the past year, we recognize the significant challenges we have faced together, but no matter what challenge came, God’s grace was greater.  Each one of those challenges afforded us the opportunity to place our trust in the Lord and the power of His Word, and there is not a single instance of Him forsaking His people here at Faith Baptist Church.  Hallelujah!  There is very little doubt we have been through many difficulties and trials (and not only within the past year).  Though there have certainly been moments when it has been difficult to discern exactly what God’s plan was or why we were enduring the trial of that moment, one thing stood out to me:  God’s people refused to give up, because they served the One who is greater than the enemy who is in the world (1 John 4:4)!

Yet it is not only challenges we have endured – we have seen God moving to bring His redeemed to Himself and to grow those who are already in the flock.  We have seen people come to Christ because of the faithful witness of members of the church in their daily walks; we have seen people come to Christ because of events such as VBS.  This reminds us that God will use a variety of means through which He will save His people, and we must be ready to be used in whatever way He presents.  We have seen people growing in their faith through personal study; corporate study such as the Sunday morning worship service, Sunday School, and Discipleship University; and through special events such as the Women’s Conference and Men’s Retreat.  We have seen several new members added to our church family, each of whom has been a blessing to our fellowship.

Looking-forward-300x194While it is important to stop and thank God for what He has done over the past year, this time also allows us to look forward with eager anticipation and excitement about what God is going to do in the coming year.  We’ve seen Him do so much and provide so much over the past year.  Can you imagine what He has in store for us, if we’ll remain faithful to Him?  I know in speaking with several ministry leaders (as well as with the Elders) there is a level of enthusiasm I have not seen here before.  At the state convention this year, the resounding unofficial theme that permeated those proceedings was, “It’s a new day in Michigan.”  That same phrase could be aptly applied to our setting, as well:  “It’s a new day in Battle Creek at Faith Baptist Church.”  Isaiah 60:1 says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”  Are you excited to join the Lord in His work?  Sing the praises of the Lord for the blessings he’s given us this past year, and let it encourage and embolden you for this coming one.  Just something to think about…

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