Church Blog (Page 19)

Church Blog (Page 19)

Glorifying God

On October 3, 2015, the Women’s Ministry here at Faith Baptist Church will be hosting its first women’s conference, entitled, “Who Am I?  Finding Your Identity in Christ.”  Thanks to the leadership and prayer of four of our own ladies – Jeanne Babcock, Aryn Henry, Sarah Scaia, and Heather Thomas – as well as the assistance of several volunteers from among the church…


As we prepare to celebrate an ordination service this weekend, I have been thinking a lot about what ordination means.  The word means to appoint or to set apart someone for ministry, usually within the context of the offices of elder/pastor and deacon.  It is a solemn and important aspect in the life of the church, because it is a declaration to the world that first, God…

I’m a Christian, But…

Viral used to carry a very negative connotation (“I have a viral infection” meant this was someone you wanted to steer clear of for a while!), but today the term can mean something good from an advertising or marketing perspective.  We talk about “viral videos” or “viral marketing,” meaning something is spreading both quickly and broadly across various media sources…

Back to School Thoughts

Labor Day weekend means a lot of different things to folks.  For some it is a celebration of work and workers.  For others it is the last hurrah of summer, one final opportunity to enjoy the grill and the outdoors before the chill of fall sets in.  In Michigan, however, Labor Day has a shared meaning for parents and children alike:  back to school.  This week will herald…

The Lack of Grieving

Over the past several weeks, there has been much in the news that reveals the depravity of the human condition apart from Christ.  As I write this note, several videos have been released regarding the horrors of what Planned Parenthood (an oxymoron of the first order) has been doing in regards to its death industry.  We have seen people, on camera, discuss how they…


It’s finally that time of year again:  VBS!  Each summer our church has the great opportunity to share the Gospel with kids of all ages.  Many of us have very good memories of VBS from our childhood years.  I was blessed to have Miss Debbie as the VBS director at the church I grew up in.  Miss Debbie had a heart for children and loved seeing them grow in their knowledge…

The Heavens Declare

I have had a fascination with space for as long as I can remember.  Any chance to see a National Geographic article on some new astronomical discovery was a treat.  The possibility that in my lifetime ordinary people will have the chance to fly into space makes me a little giddy.  As I consider the grandeur and expanse of the universe, I am kept in awe of the God who not…

The Travesty of Planned Parenthood

In recent days, a series of undercover videos have been released which appear to show that Planned Parenthood has been in the business of harvesting the remains of aborted babies for parts to sell to biomedical research companies, in violation of federal and state laws.  The most recent video, the fourth, was perhaps the most horrific one yet, with the VP of Planned…